Upcoming Events

by | Aug 2, 2019 | Degrees, General News

 Thank you to all who attended last night’s Stated Meeting!

We will have two called meetings this month, both to confer the First Degree on our newly-elected petitioners. The first will be on Tuesday, August 6, at 7:00pm, with light refreshment to follow. The second will be on Thursday, August 15, light refreshment at 6:30pm and degree at 7:00pm. Please come and show your support!

If you would like to participate in either of these degrees, please contact Bro Jonathan Carroll at your earliest convenience.

Our thanks to Cassie Hobbins and Abilene Chapter #30 Order of the Eastern Star for providing our dinner last night and for the informative presentation. We also thank Bro Wilson and his granddaughter Kyleigh for attending. She was one of our scholarship recipients this spring, and came to thank the Lodge personally. Good luck this fall!

 Our next Stated Meeting will be Thursday, September 5. Please plan to attend!