Floor School, Stated Meeting, Esoteric Exams, etc.

by | Apr 30, 2018 | Masonic News

May will have a busy start!.  Wednesday, 5/2 (7:30 PM) is floor school, EA practice is planned.  EA’s are especially invited.  Thursday, May 3rd (Refreshments 6:30 PM, Gavel falls at 7:30 PM) is the stated meeting, Saturday, May 5th (Coffee and etc at 8:00 AM, Exams begin at 9:00AM) is esoteric exams.  Next Wednesday, May 9, (7:30 PM) normally for FC practice, will instead be an opportunity to practice the Master’s degree conferral that is planned for Thursday, May 10th (Refreshments at 6:30 PM, degree to follow).  Support your Lodge with your attendance and assistance.  Hot coffee and light snacks always on hand.