Grand Masters Conference on SATURDAY

Abilene Lodge 559 will be hosting a Grand Masters Conference this Saturday, January 30 from 12:00 – 2:00pm. Registration will begin at 11:00am with light refreshment provided. Please bring your current dues card and a mask, as COVID-19 protocols will be enforced.

 If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Secretary Jerry Jones at 325-733-6889.

We hope to see you there! 

All Meetings Cancelled

Grand Master Paul D. Underwood has ordered the cancellation of all stated and called meetings until further notice. Abilene Lodge 559 will NOT be holding our Stated Meeting on April 2. We will also cancel Floor School on Wednesday evenings until this order is rescinded.

PLEASE be safe, and do not hesitate to call on your Brothers if you need anything at all.

Abilene Lodge 559 and Coronavirus

Abilene 559 will suspend floor school for the remainder of March. As of today, we still intend to have our Stated Meeting on April 2, which will also be the official visit of our DDGM, Right Worshipful Pat Fenner.
Today, Grand Lodge of Texas cancelled most upcoming Grand Lodge events and issued guidelines corresponding to CDC recommendations, that group meetings not exceed 50 people. Since then, CDC has already lowered this number to groups of less than 10 people. As Masons, we have a responsibility to our Brothers and to the community, and should do nothing to place their, or our own, health at risk.
The Grand Lodge of Texas has not ordered the suspension of stated or called meetings, but it has offered a blanket dispensation for any lodges that choose not to meet during this time. We will continue to monitor recommendations from our Federal, State, and Local governments, as well as from Grand Lodge, to determine if any further action will be necessary.
Please wash your hands frequently, be safe, responsible, and respectful, and do not hesitate to contact any of your Brothers should you need anything at all!
Jonathan Carroll
Worshipful Master, Abilene Lodge 559

2020 Big Country Masonic Festive Board

On behalf of Lawn Lodge #1230, I am forwarding the below invitation to their Festive Board. It should be a great experience!

2020 Big Country Masonic Festive Board
A true celebration of Brotherhood and conviviality
Saturday, March 21
The Beehive Restaurant Downtown Abilene

Dear Brother,

You are cordially invited to our 2020 Masonic Festive Board. Our guest speaker this year is Robert Marshall. Brother Marshall is a historian with degrees in History, Great Texts of the Western Tradition, and Museum Sciences. He is Deputy Director Kansas Lodge of Research, a Member of the Texas State Historical Association, Historic Waco Foundation, and researcher/writer for Texas Ranger Hall of Fame & Museum Member of the Austin Scottish Rite Valley.

We will have our social hour starting at the Beehive Bar at 6:30 and we’ll open our Festive Board at 7:30. We had a fantastic time last year with Dr Jim Rumsey, Committee on Work, as our speaker and will continue the tradition of this year with a fun and entertaining social and educational program. Prime rib will be served this year and have expanded the dress code to include tuxedos.

We hope you will join us. I have attached a flyer with all the information. Please call me with your reservation as soon as possible.

Fiat Lux!

Preston Curry, P.M.
Chairman, Festive Board Committee
Lawn Lodge 1230

A note of sorrow

A note of sorrow: Bro Lloyd Marlar passed away on Tuesday, September 24. There will be a funeral service tomorrow, Friday, at 2:00pm at Broadview Baptist Church, followed by graveside services at Elliott Hamil Garden of Memories. Bro Rick Trogdon will be leading Masonic services.