A note of sorrow

A note of sorrow: Bro Lloyd Marlar passed away on Tuesday, September 24. There will be a funeral service tomorrow, Friday, at 2:00pm at Broadview Baptist Church, followed by graveside services at Elliott Hamil Garden of Memories. Bro Rick Trogdon will be leading Masonic services.


We will have a called meeting this Thursday evening (Aug 29) to hear a FC proficiency, and we expect to confer a Master’s Degree immediately following. Please come to show your support!
We will serve light refreshment at 6:30pm, with the meeting starting at 7:0pm.


We will confer an Entered Apprentice Degree Thursday evening at 7pm (light refreshment at 6:30).

At floor school Wednesday evening we will be practicing the conferral. All are welcomed and encouraged to join us at 7:30pm in the lodge room.


Upcoming Events

 Thank you to all who attended last night’s Stated Meeting!

We will have two called meetings this month, both to confer the First Degree on our newly-elected petitioners. The first will be on Tuesday, August 6, at 7:00pm, with light refreshment to follow. The second will be on Thursday, August 15, light refreshment at 6:30pm and degree at 7:00pm. Please come and show your support!

If you would like to participate in either of these degrees, please contact Bro Jonathan Carroll at your earliest convenience.

Our thanks to Cassie Hobbins and Abilene Chapter #30 Order of the Eastern Star for providing our dinner last night and for the informative presentation. We also thank Bro Wilson and his granddaughter Kyleigh for attending. She was one of our scholarship recipients this spring, and came to thank the Lodge personally. Good luck this fall!

 Our next Stated Meeting will be Thursday, September 5. Please plan to attend!

July 4 Stated Meeting and Installation July 6

Quick reminder that our stated meeting is July 4 at 7:30pm, with light refreshment at 6:30pm. As this is a holiday, we will take care of mandatory business, but anything that can be held over to August will be saved for then.

As well, a joint Installation will be held on Saturday, July 6 at 2pm in Hobah Lodge. Right Worshipful Terry Stogner will be in attendance, so please come to show your support for Abilene 559 and for our district.

Thank you all!

Fellowcraft Degree Tomorrow

We will have a called meeting tomorrow, Thursday, May 16 to hear an Entered Apprentice proficiency, with the expectation to move directly into a Fellowcraft conferral. Please come show your support for one of our newest members! Light refreshment at 6:30pm, meeting to follow.

Please contact Jonathan Carroll if you would like to participate in the degree. We will be studying the Fellowcraft Degree at floor school tonight at 7:30pm.

Thank you, Brothers!

Stated Meeting and Upcoming Dates

Brethren, remember that our Stated Meeting will be tomorrow evening at 7:30pm, with a meal at 6:30pm.

On Monday, May 6th we will be presenting our Lamar medal and scholarship awards at the Wylie HS auditorium at 10am.

As well, there will be a called meeting on Thursday, May 16 to hear an EA proficiency examination – please be there to show your support! Light refreshment at 6:30, with the meeting to follow.

We are having some emergency plumbing work done, which will hopefully be finished by the stated meeting. You can leave your waders at home; however, be prepared for minimal access to water and drains, just in case.

Remember, elections are next month!