Two FC Degrees Tonight

Abilene Lodge 559 will be conferring two Fellowcraft Degrees this evening. Light refreshment at 6:30pm, degrees to follow. All Fellowcraft and Master Masons are encouraged to come and participate.

Services for RW Graham Childress PGM

On Saturday, September 15 a representation of Grand Lodge will be opened at 9:00am at Ozona Lodge #747 (910 Avenue E, Ozona, TX 76943), to be followed by a funeral service at Ozona United Methodist Church (12 11th Street) at 10:00am. There will then be a graveside service, to include a Masonic Burial Service.

I will provide more information as I receive it.

Passing of RW Graham Childress, PGM

We are saddened by the loss of RW Graham H. Childress, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas (1988), who passed away this morning, September 11, 2018. He was hard-working, civic-minded, and generous, an example to Masons everywhere. He made an indelible mark on the world and on Masonry through his tireless service to his fellow man.

“May all the influences of our Brother for good, that do survive him, be continually expanded and increased, to bless his fellow men.”

Stated Meeting Review and Upcoming Events

We had quite a full Stated Meeting with a lot of business, so please reach out to your Brothers if you were unable to make it. We also have several opportunities coming up this month and in the near future to fellowship with your Lodge brothers, serve the community, and be active in Abilene 559:

‣ Saturday, Sept 8 all Masons are invited to a coffee and donuts fest at AM Donuts (1902 Grape St) at 8:00am. This is NOT a working session, just an opportunity to meet and visit! Come out, and bring a friend who may be interested in Freemasonry.

‣ Thursday, Sept 13 we plan to conduct an initiation for a new Mason. The following week (Thursday, Sept 20) we plan to pass two EA Masons to the degree of Fellowcraft. Both nights, we will meet for light(!) refreshments at 6:30pm, with degrees to follow. If you attended the Sept 5 Called Meeting (when we heard another outstanding proficiency examination) you will recall the light refreshments turned into a full spread. Please attend and participate! Let our newest Masons see the friendship and involvement we all have within our Lodge. As always, there will be a place on the degree team for anyone who wants one – please contact Jonathan Carroll asap to let him know.

‣ Friday, Sept 14 our Stewards will put on a pancake dinner for our members, their families and guests. Bro. Ron Poston (JS) has planned this, and it promises to be a filling experience. Bring your family, your friends, and your appetite! This is not a fundraiser, just a celebration of Abilene 559 families and friends.

‣ Bro. Mitt Chorn (SS) asks that if you know of any homebound Mason or widow who would appreciate a boxed meal after our meetings, to please let him or Bro. Mike Sherman (JW) know.

‣ Abilene 559 assisted a recent Masonic widow last month, and the Lodge voted to continue to assist her this month. Bro. Sherman (JW) briefed the Lodge on her current situation.

‣ Saturday, Sept 29 Abilene 559 Masons will meet at the intersection of Buffalo Gap (FM 89) and Beltway S (FM 707) at 8:00am for our quarterly Adopt-a-Highway roadside cleanup. Safety vests and trash bags will be provided.

‣ If you have any suggestion for this year’s Community Builder Award, please let Bro. Jonathan Carroll (SW) know by the end of this month.

‣ Bro. Jerry Jones, PM (Sec.) advised us that the Fantastic Teeth program (Committee: Bros. Jody Murillo, PM, Ron Houghton, PM, and Pat Donahue, PM) is on track, and awaiting supplies from the Grand Lodge. Want to help? Contact any one of the above for information.

‣ Bro. Bobby Woodward (Sec, Hobah Lodge) visited us and announced that he is assembling a District 75 traveling degree team, to be available upon request. If you are interested, please contact him at (325) 669-0333.

‣ Bro. Sherman (JW) alerted us that the Thanksgiving Dinner / Widows and Spouses Appreciation Dinner, tentatively scheduled for Nov 17, is fast approaching. If you can fry/bake a turkey, assist in cleanup and preparation, or help address invitations, please contact him or Bro. Jerry Jones, PM (Sec). If you expect you’ll be hungry that day, mark it on your calendar. More info next Stated Meeting.

Next time you find yourself thinking there’s not much to do in Abilene, refer back to this message. See ya at the Lodge Hall!

Called Meeting and Elevator Working!

Quick reminder that we will have a called meeting on Wednesday, Sept 5 at 7pm (light refreshment at 6:30pm). We will be hearing an EA proficiency from one of our new brothers.

Also, thank you Pat and Mike for all of your hard work on the elevator. It’s running like champ!

September Stated Meeting and Activities

September will be a busy month with several activities to fit in around the West Texas Fair and Rodeo and Parade.

Upcoming activities at your Lodge.

Sept 5 – Called Meeting for an EA proficiency exam

Sept 6 – Stated Meeting, open on EA, with balloting and EA proficiency exam

Sept 8 – Coffee at AM Donuts, 1902 Grape (8am) – Officers and PMs requested, all invited.

Sept 14 – 559 Families and Guests Pancake Dinner (6pm) – More info soon!.

Sept 20 – FC Conferrals

Sept 29 Adopt a Highway Cleanup on FM 707, 8 AM

I hope all participate in the activities of your Lodge.

Floor School – Tonight 7:30pm

Floor School will be at 7:30pm tonight in the second floor dining room. We will be working in the Masters Degree.

There’s ice cream and root beer still available, so get out of the heat and enjoy some fellowship and study!

Thank You and Upcoming Events

Please take the next opportunity to thank our Stewards for the fine meal at the Past Master’s Dinner last week, and Bro Leonhart for coming up from San Antonio and repairing the broken glass in the 2nd floor dining hall. Thank you, brothers – you are much valued by this Lodge!

Coming up at 559:
Sept 6 – Stated Meeting
Sept 8 – Coffee at McKays (8am) – Officers and PMs requested, all invited.
Sept 14 – 559 Families and Guests Pancake Dinner (6pm) – More info soon!

Ritual and Root Beer Floats

Bring your own mug or find one here!
Come to Floor School Wednesday, August 1st for practice of the EA proficiency and conferral. There is plenty of ice cream and root beer for floats. Channel the Fonz and join your brothers for an evening of fellowship (and floats).

August floor schools, as usual, will practice EA Aug 1st, FC Aug 8th, MM August 15, Open and close the Lodge August 22 and anybody’s preference August 29th. Focus will be on proficiency exams and floor work. If anyone shows up who would like practice in a particular degree, we can break out an instructor for that purpose.

So, attend, participate and enjoy, regardless of your degree. All will be welcome.